Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So I got this in my UF inbox yesterday.

Seems a bit harsh doesn't it?
I've already complained about the events leading up to this to a lot of people, but if I haven't ranted to you, here's the general story (without the usual obscenities I would throw in):

I was passing a soccer ball with Jeremy outside of Hume Commons when some woman walks by and suggests that we could break one of the windows, so we should move it to the field, etc. Since passing a soccer ball obviously wouldn't break a window, we ignored her and continued to pass the ball.

A few minutes later, the RA on duty walks out and tells us that we're being "documented" for "failure to comply" with a UF official. He doesn't care that we obviously wouldn't have broken the window, it was just that we didn't listen to that lady, who never identified herself as an "official", and she didn't give off the impression that stopping was an imperative.

At this point I feel like things have gone slightly too far, since we were just passing a soccer ball. A few days later, however, I get a letter stating that I was due for an "informal" judicial meeting. Okay, that's acceptable. It says informal so I'll just go explain and clear everything up. I meet with Kelly Sullivan, who is nice enough, and I give my side of the story. I didn't deny the "failure to comply" charge, I just said that she wasn't clear enough about it and the whole event was out of proportion.

That was pleasant enough, and I thought I would just get some reprimand or something. I wait for a long time, while Jeremy receives his punishment, which was a "reflection essay", and completes it. I, on the other hand, have not received anything. After another wait I receive an email stating that I have a letter being held for me at the Hume Office. Since the letter for the meeting was delivered in this method, I thought that I would finally get my assignment. I went and picked up the letter the next day, and it turns out that my essay was due ON THE PREVIOUS DAY. That obviously wouldn't work too well, so I emailed Kelly Sullivan about it and asked for an extension. She at first says that I've had a notice in my box for 2 weeks, and I should check my email and mailbox daily. Funny thing, I do that, and I didn't receive any notices, which I tell her.

She then says, oops, never mind about the box, I was sent 2 emails a while ago and I should pay more attention. Feeling like arguing further would be pointless, I tell her while I don't believe I was sent those emails, I appreciated the extension and would do it promptly.

The essay was supposed to be about why it is important to comply with UF officials and my reflections on the incident. I briefly addressed the first part, saying that safety was of the utmost importance for officials, and continued on to the second part. Then again I explained my views that it was out of proportion and the lady wasn't clear enough. I also added that throughout the process it seemed like I was treated more as a case and less as an individual, since any rational thinking would have logically dictated the dismissal of my actions as harmless.

So no, I wasn't as apologetic as they probably would have liked, but I felt like no one was really listening to what I was saying. They found it easier to just do what was standard, assuming I had "failed to comply" with something important, tacking on the standard punishment, and expecting a repentant essay in return. And when I didn't meet the "requirements", they continued to prove my point by tacking on two additional "failure to comply" charges and a hold on my services, right as registration is about to go into full swing. No doubt if these charges stick I'll have to do additional assignments that are probably more severe, because an essay is for a first time offence. And I have 3 tests in the next 3 days, and a shitload of other stuff to do. I don't want to bitch about it, but how much more clearly can you say "bend over"?

Now I don't know for sure if that is why I got this message, but a brief look at what has already happened tends to support that conclusion. Even though I HAVE attended the meeting and turned in a reflection paper that clearly met the requirements, the fact that I wasn't apologetic enough (to them) clearly indicates that I'm one of those unrepentant bastards that has to be broken. I'd be willing to bet that if I turned in some bullshit that was full of fucking remorse they would have happily told me "have a nice day, don't get into more trouble" regardless of whether or not I meant it. I expressed what I felt and was therefore punished for it.

The administration here does not think in term of individuals, there are too many people. Nor does the administration promote individual thinking, as is clearly shown by this series of actions. keep in mind that I have nothing against the faculty or the classes. I think I am being stimulated and challenged in my academics, it's just the administration of this place that really gets to me.

They could have simply called me up and told me, no, you need to write a more remorseful letter, but instead they decided to just put two more charges on my record, both of which come with their own punishments, and if they stay there I won't be able to get the charges stricken from my record, since I can only have 1 charge to get things stricken. So they could have possibly fucked me over by screwing my graduate school applications FIRST SEMESTER OF FRESHMAN YEAR over an event that would normally have merited a warning or something. I mean, how good do 3 "failure to comply" charges look? 1 *might* have been acceptable, but 3 in one semester just seems like I'm unbalanced and incapable of working with people.

Fuck it may sound like I've exaggerated things, but I swear I have not changed any of the facts. My opinions are obviously biased, but I honestly think that in this case my opinions are right.

ugh. I may as well start my move to Canada and become a musician or some shit. Then no one really cares if you "fail to comply" with UF officials.


runiteking1 said...

That's messed up...

dechovalpse said...

Eew... That definitely does not make me want to go to UF, but as I would imagine, all school administrations are screwed up more or less - especially in bigger schools.

You SHOULD go to Canada. I think you would enjoy practicing the piano all day and all night with a never ending bottle of whiskey.